I have nothing to wear

We’ve all been there, it’s between 7am and 9am and we’re trying to get ready for work. We stare at our closet, hoping that something pops out at us. For some, it’s nice and neatly organized, for others it is a moment of sadness as you realize that no matter how hard you try, your closet will always look slightly disheveled.   Sometimes my closet feels like the scary monster I don’t want to open the doors to, since I know that what will face me is the ghosts of clothes past, the final sale items I never wore, the past season pieces that seem out of date or the newest shiny items that I’m trying to get use out of.  A women’s closet is really quite the reflection of who she is, her style, her color choices and the daily chance to put yourself together gives many of us creative expression we seek and don’t get from work.   I’m not sure who creates the pressure itself, as it’s really quite silly. Who REALLY cares what you’re wearing, who is really judging your outfit. But for those of us who dress for ourselves, it’s the feeling of when you get it just right, that you crave and when something is a little off, that it bugs you all day long.

I look at outfits as a mathemetic color equation. There must be some coordinating colors, not too matchy matchy, it must mix uptown with downtown, it must look polished but cool.  If there is a color in a top, I love to pick up that color elsewhere.  Or just fuck it and wear all black, a tried and tested fave.

I sometimes dream of being one of those people with a perfect closet, filled with 5 perfectly fitting white tops, 5 black tops, tons of great jeans and some soft cashmere sweaters.  But then if you’ve ever met me, you’d find me wearing some sort of crazy flower print dress or some colorful Hermes scarf, and then magenta leather shoes. I adore color, I adore prints. Yes they are harder to match, and more trendy, but when you make it work, it’s not boring.

One of my goals is to completely re-org and start fresh. Just get rid of everything one day, donate it to charity, and get a whole new wardrobe.  How fun would that be?!

That brings me to my quest — what do I wear this weekend? I’m kind of feeling peplum, a lot. It’s so flattering. It just really really is, and feminine.

Here are a few of the finds:


Top shop top and skirt

Peplum Frill CorsetHigh Waisted Denim Look Skater

Or a white lace peplum dress $40 at Dorothy Perkins 

Cream lace panel dress

Strapless Rose Print dress $19

Embroidered high low peplum top (Love this)

I love this pretty aqua $17.80

Polka dot peplum 

Let me know if you end up buying these so we don’t show up to the same party wearing the same outfit, k?!


Kat ya later 🙂

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